速報APP / 遊戲 / Bymo bird V cats: 1 or 2 - 8 players

Bymo bird V cats: 1 or 2 - 8 players





版本需求:Android 4.0.3 以上版本



聯絡地址:Iuliu Maniu 170A, bl. H, sc. C, ap. 150 Bucuresti 061121 Romania

Bymo bird V cats: 1 or 2 - 8 players(圖1)-速報App

Catch the cats that are running in the garden in the grass between pots of flowers.

Enjoy the cool sounds while the bird drops as many eggs as possible. The cats are defeated only after the dropped egg touches them. But take care because they could harm the bird too. The race is very entertaining and funny.

Bymo bird V cats: 1 or 2 - 8 players(圖2)-速報App

Don't worry if you lose a race...you can start over again without losing all.

Have fun!

Bymo bird V cats: 1 or 2 - 8 players(圖3)-速報App

You can play...

... alone, in 2 players, or up to 8 players.

Bymo bird V cats: 1 or 2 - 8 players(圖4)-速報App

... two-handed or one-handed on phones without screen rotation.

... on the same device (2 players), on Wi-Fi or on internet (up to 8 players).

Bymo bird V cats: 1 or 2 - 8 players(圖5)-速報App

... on Android TV, on Samsung Dex, even on your TV when you mirror/cast your screen.

... using touch, mouse, keyboard, gamepad and even joystick.

Bymo bird V cats: 1 or 2 - 8 players(圖6)-速報App